Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

First Presentation Of ABC Club

5 August 2012, we have shown the presentation. Even though some of the member of ABC Club did not obey the rules, the presentation ran well. Tika, the leader has been angry because there were member did not use the Batik clothes and other group did not prepare the topic. After some break down, we finally accomplished our learning process.

These are the presentation of the first Group.

1. Presentation Material

 Date: August 5, 2012-08-02
Presentated by : Ms Friska & Ms Rus Vriana
Education in Indonesia
Early education
From the age of 2, some children in Indonesia attend pre-school playgroup, known as PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini). From the age of 4, they attend kindergarten (Taman Kanak-Kanak). This education is not compulsory for Indonesian citizens, as it is aimed to prepare them for Primary Schooling. Of the 49,000 kindergartens in Indonesia, 99.35% of them are privately operated schools. The kindergarten years are usually divided into "Class A" and "Class B" students spending a year in each class.
Primary School
Children aged 6–11 attend Sekolah Dasar (SD) (lit. Primary School). This level is compulsory for all Indonesian citizens, according to the Constitution. In contrast to the majority of privately run kindergartens, most elementary schools are government-operated public schools, accounting for nearly 93% of all elementary schools in Indonesia.[5] Similar to education systems in the U.S., students must spend six years to complete this level. Some schools offer an accelerated learning program, where students who perform well can complete the level in five years.Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) is the Islamic schooling alternative to SD, following a curriculum with more focus on Arabic and Islam.
Middle School
Middle School, generally known by the abbreviation "SMP" (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) is part of basic education in Indonesia. After graduating from primary school, students attend Middle School for three years from the age of 12 to 14. After three years of schooling and graduation, students may move on to High School.Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) is the Islamic schooling equivalent of SMP.
High School
 In Indonesia, there are two types of High School. The first is generally known by the abbreviation "SMA" (Sekolah Menengah Atas) and second is SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan). SMA differs from SMK in their studies. The students at SMA are prepared to continue their study to university while students of SMK are prepared to be ready to work after graduation, even sans university education. SMA is the Indonesian equivalent of university-preparatory school while SMK resembles more of a vocational school. Students attending SMA will be divided into three group of studies in their 11th grade, i.e. Science, Social studies, and Linguistics. According to the Constitution, this level of education is not compulsory. Such a fact is reflected by the lower number of High Schools in Indonesia, which is slightly below 9,000.[6]Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is the Islamic schooling equivalent of SMA while Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK) is the equivalent of SMK.
Higher education
After graduation from High School, students may attend an institution of higher education of their choice. The higher education institution is categorized into two types: public and private. Both are supervised by the Ministry of National Education. There are four types of higher education institution: Universities, Institutes, Academies, and Polytechnics.Type of Degree Indonesian Term Equivalent in English-Speaking Countries
Diploma 3 (D3)              Ahli Madya        Associate's Degree
Diploma 4 (D4)              Sarjana             Bachelor's Degree
Sarjana 1 (S1)               Sarjana             Bachelor's Degree
Sarjana 2 (S2)               Magister           Master's Degree
Sarjana 3 (S3)               Doktor              Doctoral Degree

 2. Vocabulary List

Pre-school       = yang belum masuk sekolah
Attend             = menghadiri  
Kindergarten   = taman kanak-kanak
Compulsory    = wajib
Citizens           = warganegara
Privately          = secara pribadi
Constitution     = undang-undang dasar
Elementary     = dasar
Accelerated     = yang dipercepat
Equivalent       = padan kata, sama dengan
Slightly            = sedikit
Abbreviation    = singkatan
Differs                         = berbeda
Prepared         = siap-siap
Even                = rata, bahkan
Preparatory     = yang berhubungan dengan persiapan
Resembles      = menyerupai
Grade             = angka
Schooling        = pendidikan yang diterima disekolah
Institution         = lembaga
Both                 = keduanya
Associate's      = teman sejawat
Universities     = Universitas
Institutes          = Lembaga Pendidikan
Academics      = Akademika
Polytechnics   = Sekolah Teknik

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