Teached by: Miss Friska
Take the book, please!
I need an umbrella.
There is a handsome boy in the class.
"the", "a", and "an" are the article in English Structure. Article is a word (or prefix or suffix) that is with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun - Wikipedia
Here the rules of Using the Article in English Sentence.
You must use Article when you have single noun in you sentence!
(wrong) Please give me paper!
(right) Please give me a paper!
(right) Please give me the paper!
(right) Please give me some paper!
The use of "a", "an", "the" in sentence!
"a" is for the noun that started by consonant, ex: a paper, a pen, a home, a clock, etc.
"an" is for the noun that started by vowel, ex: an umbrella, an ant, an hour,
"the" /de/ is for the noun that started by consonant, ex: the car /de/ /ka:/, the house /de/ /haus/
"the" /di/ is for the nound that started by vowel, ex: the umbrella /di/ /ambrella/
Use "a" or "an" for any noun, and "the" for specific noun!
Rose: Owh, it's raining! Cici, take an umbrella please!" (any umbrella)
Cici : I don't know where the umbrella is.
Rose: There is an umbrella next to the TV. Please take the umbrella! (specific umbrella)
Cici : Ok.
Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012
Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012
Second Meeting: Discussing about Drama
Written by : Friska Siallagan

We now are only five members ; Miss Sartika, Friska (me), Miss Arta, Miss Rusfri, and Miss Roslita. There was no presentation this sunday. We still didn't have any idea because there is lack of member in the club. Then there was a new member. She is Uli. Welcome Uli!!!
Then, there was a long discussion during the meeting. Tika said that the club must have the drama for the Christmas Season. Tika have said about that before in the Group Facebook ; ABC Club. She gave us three option about themas and she promised she will write the drama about the theme that we choose. In the themes, we choose the theme one that tell about the struggle of woman in Batam. There was many idea coming in the meeting.
Tika : We will show about the lifestyle of Batam city.
Miss Arta : We must concern in English Language, but the simple one!
Rusfri : We can show the drama in my church!
Uli : How about Fragment? It will be great! I've many ideas about it!
Roslita : There is an Indonesia prolog! Oh, yeah, I can act as a naughty girl!
Friska : I'll tell a poem in the end of drama.
After discussing about it, we filled the time by singing several songs. I sang the song of Milley Cyrus, the title is "The Climb". I like it too much. I sang the song and told to them its meaning.
Miley Cyrus - The Climb
I can almost see it
My dream I'm dreaming, but
There is a voice in my head saying
You'll never reach it
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
Then, it was Roslita's turn to sing. She can play guitar well, and she sang the song nicely. We listen the song of Chemical Romance - I don't love you, and the song of Westlife. Tika said that she will bring a poem but she forget about the text.
We have discuss about what we will do in the next meeting. We will learn how to be a teacher. And we will teach according the order of name alphabetically. Because my name is started by F, so I must give the first teaching for the club. Owh, I must prepare my teaching well. Hmm, Tika asked me, "What topic will you bring at next meeting." I shown my innocent face and said, " I don't have any idea."
We lost Miss Vivi in ABC Club
Written by : Friska Siallagan
Saturday noon, my phone rang. There was a message. From Miss Vivi, this is the message:
Shalom teman-teman,
maaf kalo aku info mendadak.
aq mau bilang kalo aq mundur dr ABC Group.
dr tempat aq kerja sedang sibuk menyusun akreditasi
jadi aku enggak bisa mengikuti planning yang
kita sepakati bersama.
Sekali lagi aku minta maaf sebesar-besarnya.
Thanks for all.
We all feel sad, there is an empty position in our club. But we do our best to understand that Miss Vivi may get trouble to manage her time about attending our club or focus in her work. She must have thought about it deeply and it was the hard decision. So, we had to let her went away and keep continuing the club.
Then, I think we need more member. It is not good have a club with five members. It will be a problem if we want to make group, chatting, discussing or such thing that need two people. Hmm, where is the one of you people who want to replace Miss Vivi's position?
Saturday noon, my phone rang. There was a message. From Miss Vivi, this is the message:
Shalom teman-teman,
maaf kalo aku info mendadak.
aq mau bilang kalo aq mundur dr ABC Group.
dr tempat aq kerja sedang sibuk menyusun akreditasi
jadi aku enggak bisa mengikuti planning yang
kita sepakati bersama.
Sekali lagi aku minta maaf sebesar-besarnya.
Thanks for all.
We all feel sad, there is an empty position in our club. But we do our best to understand that Miss Vivi may get trouble to manage her time about attending our club or focus in her work. She must have thought about it deeply and it was the hard decision. So, we had to let her went away and keep continuing the club.
Then, I think we need more member. It is not good have a club with five members. It will be a problem if we want to make group, chatting, discussing or such thing that need two people. Hmm, where is the one of you people who want to replace Miss Vivi's position?
Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012
First Presentation Of ABC Club
5 August 2012, we have shown the presentation. Even though some of the member of ABC Club did not obey the rules, the presentation ran well. Tika, the leader has been angry because there were member did not use the Batik clothes and other group did not prepare the topic. After some break down, we finally accomplished our learning process.
These are the presentation of the first Group.
1. Presentation Material
These are the presentation of the first Group.
1. Presentation Material
Date: August 5, 2012-08-02
Presentated by :
Ms Friska & Ms Rus Vriana
Education in Indonesia
Early education
the age of 2, some children in Indonesia attend pre-school playgroup, known as
PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini). From the age of 4, they attend kindergarten
(Taman Kanak-Kanak). This education is not compulsory for Indonesian citizens,
as it is aimed to prepare them for Primary Schooling. Of the 49,000
kindergartens in Indonesia, 99.35% of them are privately operated schools. The
kindergarten years are usually divided into "Class A" and "Class
B" students spending a year in each class.
Primary School
aged 6–11 attend Sekolah Dasar (SD) (lit. Primary School). This level is
compulsory for all Indonesian citizens, according to the Constitution. In
contrast to the majority of privately run kindergartens, most elementary
schools are government-operated public schools, accounting for nearly 93% of
all elementary schools in Indonesia.[5] Similar to education systems in the
U.S., students must spend six years to complete this level. Some schools offer
an accelerated learning program, where students who perform well can complete
the level in five years.Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) is the Islamic schooling
alternative to SD, following a curriculum with more focus on Arabic and Islam.
Middle School
School, generally known by the abbreviation "SMP" (Sekolah Menengah
Pertama) is part of basic education in Indonesia. After graduating from primary
school, students attend Middle School for three years from the age of 12 to 14.
After three years of schooling and graduation, students may move on to High
School.Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) is the Islamic schooling equivalent of SMP.
High School
In Indonesia, there are two types of High
School. The first is generally known by the abbreviation "SMA"
(Sekolah Menengah Atas) and second is SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan). SMA
differs from SMK in their studies. The students at SMA are prepared to continue
their study to university while students of SMK are prepared to be ready to
work after graduation, even sans university education. SMA is the Indonesian
equivalent of university-preparatory school while SMK resembles more of a
vocational school. Students attending SMA will be divided into three group of
studies in their 11th grade, i.e. Science, Social studies, and Linguistics.
According to the Constitution, this level of education is not compulsory. Such
a fact is reflected by the lower number of High Schools in Indonesia, which is
slightly below 9,000.[6]Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is the Islamic schooling
equivalent of SMA while Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK) is the equivalent of
Higher education
graduation from High School, students may attend an institution of higher
education of their choice. The higher education institution is categorized into
two types: public and private. Both are supervised by the Ministry of National
Education. There are four types of higher education institution: Universities,
Institutes, Academies, and Polytechnics.Type of Degree Indonesian Term
Equivalent in English-Speaking Countries
3 (D3) Ahli Madya Associate's Degree
4 (D4) Sarjana Bachelor's Degree
1 (S1) Sarjana Bachelor's Degree
2 (S2) Magister Master's
3 (S3) Doktor Doctoral
2. Vocabulary List
2. Vocabulary List
= yang belum masuk sekolah
= menghadiri
= taman kanak-kanak
= wajib
Citizens =
= secara pribadi
= undang-undang dasar
= dasar
= yang dipercepat
= padan kata, sama dengan
= sedikit
= singkatan
= siap-siap
= rata, bahkan
Preparatory =
yang berhubungan dengan persiapan
= menyerupai
= angka
= pendidikan yang diterima disekolah
= lembaga
= keduanya
= teman sejawat
Universities = Universitas
Institutes = Lembaga Pendidikan
Academics = Akademika
Polytechnics = Sekolah Teknik
The Song of ABC Club
Finally, ABC Club has made the song. Simple song, but has the great meaning. Check it out!!!!
We Are Together
Open your mind and keep on your struggle
Open your mind and keep on your major
Yes, Yes, We Can (2x)
We are together
Open your eyes and looked around earth
Open your heart, imagine your parents
Yes, Yes, We Can (2x)
We are together
We will be success, We are together
We will be success, We are together
Yes, Yes, We Can
We are together
back to Chorus
We Are Together
Open your mind and keep on your struggle
Open your mind and keep on your major
Yes, Yes, We Can (2x)
We are together
Open your eyes and looked around earth
Open your heart, imagine your parents
Yes, Yes, We Can (2x)
We are together
We will be success, We are together
We will be success, We are together
Yes, Yes, We Can
We are together
back to Chorus
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